
Useful Definitions

  • A parasite is an organism that obtains food and shelter from another organism and derives all benefits from this association.

Obligated parasite
  • The parasite is termed obligate when it can live only in a host.

Facultative parasite
  • The parasite is classified as facultative when it can live both in a host as well as in free form.

  • Endoparasites are parasites that live inside the body.

  • Ectoparasites are parasites that exist on the body surface.

Pathogenic parasite
  • Pathogenic parasites are parasites that cause harm to the host.

  • Commensals are parasites that benefit from the host without causing any harm.

  • A host is an organism that harbors the parasite and suffers a loss caused by the parasite.

Definitive host
  • Definitive host is the host in which the parasite lives its adult and sexual stage.

Intermediate host
  • The host in which a parasite lives as the larval and asexual stage.

Reservoir hosts
  • Reservoir hosts are other hosts that harbor the parasite and ensure the continuity of the parasite's life cycle. It also acts as an additional source of human infection.

  • Single cell eukaryotic animals.

  • Vector is an organism (usually an insect) that is responsible for transmitting the parasitic infection.